Why Do I Create Content?

I have started this new year feeling quite reflective. I have been looking back at decisions I have made in my life and why I made them. We all make mistakes in life and maybe have a few regrets. But every decision I have made has led me to where I am right now (specifically sat at my desk writing this blog post) and I am happy about that.

One big decision I made was to start this blog & social media journey solo. I previously had a joint one and the thought of doing it on my own was scary. But I have had such an amazing time since starting this blog and it has really pushed me out of my comfort zone - I wrote a little bit about this on one of my Instagram posts, which you can check out here.

I love planning content. I love creating content. I love learning how to plan and create better content. It brings me so much joy as a creative person to have this outlet to just be myself. If you’ve ever taken a course on content creation or followed any of the ‘Instagram gurus’, you’ll know that when creating content, it is super important to always consider your why. And over the last few weeks I’ve had a few different people ask me why I create content. So, I thought I’d write blog post dedicated to just that.

If you’d like to discover why I create content – keep on reading.

1.      It Makes Me Feel Less Alone
Learning to accept your body at all it’s different stages, in all of its different angles isn’t easy; especially when you’ve grown up in a society that made you feel weird for not looking like its idea of ‘perfect’. However, talking about it with you shows me that I’m not the only one that feels like this.

I have made some amazing connections since starting this journey – including people I’d call genuine friends and I wouldn’t have been able to do this if I hadn’t pushed myself out of my comfort zone, to share these thoughts and feelings, to end up finding people like you!

2.      I Enjoy Helping Other People
I am typically the friend that people come to for advice – and I’m more than okay with that (and apparently, I’m good at it)! So, why not share some of my advice online? My blog and socials are definitely a mixture of giving for advice and asking for advice – and I like that.

As always, if there’s a topic relating to self-acceptance, self-care or empowerment that you’d like me to discuss – please send me a DM!

3.     Writing Is Cathartic
You’ve probably been told this since you were little – but writing out how you’re feeling is actually really helpful. “Putting your thoughts into words helps you to process these feelings and enables you to work out what’s important. The more you unload onto paper, the closer you’ll get to the feelings underlying those thoughts and the more you’ll be able to understand what you want in life and what’s holding you back from achieving it” (source).

I’ve recently started using digital journals/notebooks to keep a track of what’s going on in my mind, my plans for the year and my everyday to-do list and I’ve been loving it! I’m still a massive sucker for pretty stationery! But if you’ve been looking into digital journaling, I highly recommend it.

4.      Encourage Others To Do The Same
A big part of what I do is to encourage you to share your story too. You’re important and your thoughts & feelings deserve to be listened to. I’m not saying that you need to create a whole blog or social media about it if you don’t want to (although if you do, let me know as I would love to check it out), but if I can encourage you to feel confident enough to speak out about your feelings – then that would be amazing!

These are the 4 main reasons that I create content. I think about these whenever I’m having a bad day with my content – writers block, feeling like no-one cares, not feeling good enough etc.

I also have a secret project going on, which will mean that I have to create more content AND it’s the industry that I’m looking at going into. So, it’s clear that I do love creating content, but sometimes I just need to remind myself.

Are you a content creator? I’d love to connect – pop me a DM on Instagram!

Cerys x


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Cerys Roberts

Hello! I’m Cerys, a Welsh lass currently residing in the wonderful city of Liverpool. Join me for a cuppa and a natter. My content is the “lazy girls’ guide to self-acceptance, self-care and empowerment”.

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