
This page summarises the thoughts & opinions that you may see on this blog and social media.

My Thoughts & Opinions - I will always be completely open and honest about my opinions – no matter what I post.

Guest Posts - Occasionally, I have fellow bloggers, small businesses and a variety of other people write guest posts. The comments and opinions expressed in these are of the original author and aren’t necessarily shared by myself.

PR Product - as a blogger I am sometimes lucky enough to receive products as PR. I am under no obligation to post PR products, but I will always share any that I love. Each blog post that contains PR Products will also have a disclosure at the top for full honesty and transparency.

PR Experience - this is the same concept as above, but covers things such as trips, memberships etc.

Affiliate Links - occasionally some of the links that I use on my website will be affiliate. This means that, at no extra cost to you, I would earn some commission if you purchase through my link. Each blog post that contains affiliate links will also have a disclosure at the top for full honesty and transparency.


If you have any queries or questions, don’t hesitate to send me an email or DM me on Instagram.


Cerys x