Starting Again? Re-introduction To Me & My Blog

Oh hello! I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on both myself and my blog recently, and I’ve had some new followers, so wanted to re-introduce myself and what I’m planning for this blog.

I recently joined Grow & Glow and it’s helped me so much!! I’ve mentioned Grow & Glow before, but if you don’t know, it is an online community full of resources, training and support for any creators that have an online presence.

One of the topics that is discussed a lot is niche. I’ve always struggled with the thought of nicheing as I can get bored super quickly – especially if I have to only think/watch/talk about one thing for a long time (hence why I struggled with some of my university modules). Plus, I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to niche as I have so many things going on in my brain that I want to talk about. However, after Vix posted the below Instagram post talking about content pillars I realised that I could niche and still talk about the topics that are important to me.

I appreciate every single person that makes the effort to support me – whether that’s reading this blog, commenting on it or interacting with me over on my social medias. It all means so much! So, even if you don’t necessarily match with what my niche/target audience is, I hope that you enjoy my content anyway – but if you don’t that’s okay! The aim of having a niche/discovering your target audience isn’t to exclude anyone. It just gives a focus to the content that is being created.

So, let me properly re-introduce myself and my plans for my blogs future. I’m also planning to film a little Q&A for Instagram, so of you if you have any personal questions that you want to ask, leave them in the comments section below or send me a DM.

Hello, my name is Cerys and I’m from a little village in Wales but am currently residing in the glorious city of Liverpool. I started this blog because I missed having a creative outlet and I really want to help people through my content.

As mentioned above, I have kinda found my niche. I say kinda because I’m not fully sure that I have😂 But I am going to describe it as wellness/lifestyle. I read quite a few wellness blogs and follow wellness influencers on Instagram – and as much as I enjoy them I am definitely too lazy to do the massive self-care routines and hour long meditation & yoga sessions that they often promote😂 Obviously it’s amazing if you are able to do this; but it’s just not for me. I do still have my little self-care routines that I like to do, but they’re like a lazy girl version… So, that’s what I want to be sharing – easy tips to look after and love yourself. I’m a massive advocate for self-love and I am on my own journey myself and I would love to help you too!

I’m also planning advice posts where you lovely people email or DM me with a question and I answer them in a blog post. I love helping people so that is a major part of my blog!

I want to create an environment where us women get better at putting ourselves first and being our best selves🧡

I’ve already started incorporating my new type of content on my blog and Instagram – so you may have already noticed a bit of a transition. However, if you haven’t don’t worry. I realised that the content that I was posting from the beginning (on this blog and the posts that I moved over from my old blog) already had this kinda vibe and I hadn’t noticed😂

Women being their best selves, looking after themselves and openly talking about “taboo” topics has always been important to me. I have some friends who are the same and others who are uncomfortable talking about certain topics. But just because they make you uncomfortable, doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be talked about! So, I will also be sharing lots of posts surrounding this.

So, to sum up, I will be sharing self-care tips, self-love tips, inspirational & motivational quotes, advice posts and all that kinda good stuff!

This post is a bit of a waffle, so I apologise!! I’m trying to explain where my content is going without giving away all of my secrets😉

My main hope for this blog is for my content to be easy to read, educational/helpful and you, my lovely readers, feel like you’re just having a cuppa with a friend (hence the name of the blog)🧡

Don’t forget to have a browse around my blog (if you’ve been here before you may notice a couple of changes) and let me know what content you’d like to see.

I hope all of this makes sense! If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment down below or send me a DM over on Instagram – I love a natter😂

Cerys x

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Cerys Roberts

Hello! I’m Cerys, a Welsh lass currently residing in the wonderful city of Liverpool. Join me for a cuppa and a natter. My content is the “lazy girls’ guide to self-acceptance, self-care and empowerment”.

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