How Do I Feel About Blogging Again?


I’m feeling a bit sentimental, so I thought I would write a post reflecting on how I feel about blogging again. I’d originally planned to do this once I’d been blogging for 6 months – but I’ve decided that I want to do it now. But I do plan on doing another one at 6 months and going more in depth and talking and specific blog posts etc. Is there anything that you’d like me to include in that post? Let me know.

Also, this post features some photos from my recent photoshoot with my gorgeous friend Jodie that I am yet to share anywhere else. So, you lucky lot are getting a sneak peak since you’re so lovely and read my blog😉

As some of you may know I used to have a shared blog with my old housemate at uni. I still love that blog and am so glad that we did it. But, Coffee With Cerys is definitely more “me” and represents more of what I want to talk about, where I want my brand to go, where I want to go/do etc. The benefit of already experiencing the running of a blog means that I can take what I learnt from there and bring it to this blog – knowing what I like/don’t like, what I want/don’t want and what I am/am not willing to do etc. I hope this makes sense and isn’t just a ramble of rubbish😂 But I definitely feel like a new blogger again.

So, lets have a root around my brain and see how I’m feeling about blogging again.

All The Love

Obviously, I have to first talk about all of you lovely lot who take the time to read my blog posts and interact with me on social media. Even though I love blogging and helping people with my posts – I still find it so scary that there are actual people that read my words😂 But, everyone that has encountered my blog has been so incredibly lovely! My family and friends have been super supportive. But I’ve also found such an amazing community of supportive bloggers and that has helped me so much! I’m in the process of creating a post all about my favourite bloggers; so, keep an eye out for that. It’ll definitely be featuring some of the amazing people that I have met on this journey. And if you have a favourite blogger that you think I should check out – leave me their links in the comments or send me a message on Instagram.

So, basically a massive thank you to all of you gorgeous people who read my blog. I’m so incredibly grateful for you all.


All The Learning

I love learning! I’m not the quickest at it, but I just love learning new things. There is still the stigma that content creation is easy, and “influencers” just sit around doing nothing and then throw a photo/video/blog post together and it takes minimal effort. Well, let me tell you…it is definitely not that easy! For example, click here to read how I write blog posts. Obviously, everyone’s processes are different – but hopefully you find it an interesting read.

I’ve also recently joined the Grow & Glow community. Grow & Glow is the best place for content creators, small businesses, creatives and just about anyone who is looking to improve their online content and their inner-selves. At the time of writing this I’ve literally just joined and I have already learnt so much! I have also been following their socials and podcast for a while and have learnt so much from there too!!

I’ve already learnt so many new things to try and make my blog the best that it can be. Maybe I could do a dedicated post on the things that I’ve learnt as a new blogger? Let me know if you’d be interested in something like this.

But yes, I love learning about how best to use my blog, how to use social media better and also the research that I do for a lot of my posts. It makes me miss uni so much! On the note of university, when I graduated last year, I wrote a blog post about my experience. I hadn’t created Coffee With Cerys yet, so just saved it because I knew that I wanted to create this blog. However, when Corona hit, I didn’t feel that it was appropriate to talk about university when so many students were unsure what was happening with their uni experience. But I would still love to share it. So, when do you think would be a good time to share it? Please let me know in the comments or message me on any of my socials.

All The Reflection

I have been sharing a range of different posts on my blog since I’ve started. But I am learning more about myself and my brand and trying to find my niche. I enjoy writing about thought provoking and important topics – but they do take more brain power than other posts and tend to take a lot out of me. But I would love to include more posts like that. All of the posts that I write allow me to think about what’s going on in life. I think about what I’m consuming on Netflix for example, rather than just binging because I can. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with binging, especially on “lazy days” – but I have enjoyed taking the time to reflect on what I’m consuming and how it impacts me. Click here to check out my latest Netflix post (I will definitely create more of these because I watch a lot of Netflix).

This blog also allows me to reflect on how my thoughts and opinions have changed. I will likely write posts now that in the future I completely disagree with. But that’s life. I’ve seen so much negativity on social media lately surrounding people changing their opinion on things. But we all evolve and grow as humans, so it’s completely normal to change your opinion – especially as you learn more.

My posts (and my social media) also allow me to look back and reflect on some of the amazing experiences that I have had. I can’t wait to go on more adventures in the future and be able to share them with you all.


I don’t want this to be a long post as I want to go into more detail when I do the 6-month post. But to summarise, I am so happy to be blogging again!

Thank you again to everyone who supports me in any way – it means the absolute world!

As always, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments and don’t forget to follow me on social media.

I hope you’re all well!

Cerys x

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Cerys Roberts

Hello! I’m Cerys, a Welsh lass currently residing in the wonderful city of Liverpool. Join me for a cuppa and a natter. My content is the “lazy girls’ guide to self-acceptance, self-care and empowerment”.

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