Why You Should Always Start Your Day With An Inspirational Quote

After chatting with a colleague of mine recently, we started talking about how inspirational quotes impact us in a positive way. I love a quote, so I thought that I would do some research into why we as humans tend to love a quote and how it can impact us. So, shout out to Steve for the inspo🧡

Stress is a major factor that impacts everyone’s lives. Some people can easily cope with their stresses and some people thrive off being stressed as they believe that it helps motivate them. However, if you’re like me, you hate stress and being too stressed fogs your brain and you can’t think straight. “60% of young people (aged 18 to 24) have felt so stressed by pressure to succeed that they have felt overwhelmed or unable to cope” (source). That statistic shows that you are not alone if you’re struggling with stress. The article source also gives a variety of statistics on how stress impacts young adults and some of those figures are scary!

I want to use my platform to create content about easy ways to give yourself some self-love and care. I’d also like to create a monthly advice column where you lovely readers email me or message me on Instagram with your concerns and I write a blog post giving my advice. I am not trained in any way – however, I am usually the friend that everyone comes to for help and advice! And I would love to help you too!!🧡

As mentioned above, this post is going to be about the benefits of a quote. You know those inspirational ones that just make you feel good? There’s a science behind why we enjoy them and I’m going to delve into that in this post. I personally love a quote (just check out my Pinterest – it’s filled with them). But I’d never really considered why they make me feel better – until chatting to Steve that is! So, hopefully you’ll learn some more about the benefits of those inspirational quotes.


What Is An Inspirational Quote?
Inspirational quotes can help to change our perspective on life, what we’re going through and our current feelings. They’re typically said by celebrities and other notable figures – people we look up to and aspire to be like. Therefore, they’re typically used to influence and encourage us to be better people.

Low On Time?
“The majority of inspirational sayings hardly even take up 10 to 20 seconds of your time to digest” (source). You don’t need to dedicate any time to looking at quotes as they’re so quick and easy to read. This is why it’s such a great way to start your day as it basically takes no time at all! You could even read it while you have your morning wee or brushing your teeth? Super easy😂 If you have any favourite quotes or ones that you know inspire you the most; you could write them in the note’s app on your phone or in the notebook that you always use.  You can just take a quick look when you need it and it’ll help make you feel instantly better. Sometimes we just need a quick boost of positivity and quotes are great for this!

Are You A Procrastinator?
I’m constantly talking about procrastination because I spend about 80% of my time doing it. I even wrote a whole blog post on it (click here to read it). Sometimes when I’m procrastinating, I just need a bit of motivation to push me through and get me back focused on what I’m doing. “Inspirational words often remind us about what we already know, or aspire to be, and trigger something within us to get back on track” (source). So, when I find myself procrastinating, I wack out my big list of motivational quotes and have a read. Just don’t spend more time procrastinating by reading motivational quotes – this is definitely something that I’ve done…😂

Morning Routine Mantras
Many of us will spend at least a part of our morning looking in the mirror. Sometimes we even spend this time saying negative things to ourselves. So, why not stick a positive quote onto your mirror to help keep you inspired and remind yourself that you’re an incredible human being who deserves to love herself? You could create your own or I’ve seen quite a few businesses create mirror stickers for this reason. There’s so many on Etsy and I’ll definitely be purchasing a few. Click here to have a browse.


You Are Not Alone
In a world of nearly 8 billion people all living their own lives and doing your own thing it’s easy to feel lonely. Quotes can help us feel less alone – especially the ones that talk about our exact thoughts and feelings. Feeling like you’re not alone definitely helps make you feel better and can help give you a good start to the day. If you are ever feeling alone, feel free to message me and I will try and help in any way that I can – I love a chat🥰 And don’t forget that there’s so many amazing charities who you can contact for help and advice.

Struggling For Words?
Do you sometimes struggling with finding the exact words that you want to say? Quotes are a great way to express how you’re feeling or what you want to say. Whether that’s referring to the quotes in real life conversations or posting them to your Instagram – you can use them to communicate how you’re feeling to those around you. Expressing how we really feel can often be difficult – so keep a list of quotes that help show how you feel and don’t feel bad for using them. Communicating is such an important part of life.

Feeling A Bit Crap?
I think you may have gathered from this post (if you didn’t already know) that reading quotes can help improve your mood; whether you need some motivation, some inspiration or just need a general cheering up. I have quotes all around my home, on my phone, on my iPad, on my laptop – honestly anywhere I can put them😂 Quotes can also remind you to stay calm and kind. The world is a bit of a mess and sometimes it can cause us to get wrapped up in the negativity. Therefore, sometimes it’s helpful to have little reminders to encourage us to stay grounded and positive.


If you’re not sure where to start looking for inspirational and motivational quotes – check out my Pinterest. I share my own twice weekly and am constantly sharing others. I also often share some on my Instagram stories too – so go over and check them out. I’m also considering creating quotes and putting them on my feed. Let me know if that’s something that you’d be interested in.

I hope that you’ve found this post interesting and have learnt more about those quotes that you probably see everywhere.

What’s your favourite quote? And how do you start your day? Let me know in the comments below.

Cerys x

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Cerys Roberts

Hello! I’m Cerys, a Welsh lass currently residing in the wonderful city of Liverpool. Join me for a cuppa and a natter. My content is the “lazy girls’ guide to self-acceptance, self-care and empowerment”.

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